Tuesday, January 19, 2010

YN 004 - Wei

Dear Gracie and family,

How are you? I was really happy to receive your letter the other day!* Since it’s December, that marks the fact that Christmas is coming closer and closer, so I would like to extend to you my early wishes of good luck and health to you and your whole family.

Right now, I am a senior in high school and since it’s already the start of December, this marks a very important time for me. I need to work hard to finish all my core classes in order to prepare myself to work in the city. Thus, I spend all my time in classrooms, the cafeteria and my dorm room to study. However, instead of feeling stressed, I feel happy because I have been given the opportunity to discuss issues with my fellow classmates and teachers. These discussions lead to the broadening of my knowledge and my view in life.

Being in school for such a long time, I get bored at times. However, I often go and enjoy the views when I hike in the mountains behind my school with my best friends. While hiking, we listen to music and enjoy the light breeze on the nape of our necks. It is during those moments in time when I feel the most calm and relaxed. Another good way to de-stress myself is when I go to the basketball courts and just fool around with my friends. After some fun and games with my friends, I feel as if I’ve dropped a lot of stress from myself.

Just a few months ago, during October, I went back home to my village for the National Day of the People’s Republic of China. Arriving home, I realized that there were some big changes that had happened in my village. However, the sun still shone brightly and the rays still sparkled in the sky – it’s as if everything were still the same.

When I’m not studying, I go to my aunt’s restaurant to help out. While helping out in her restaurant, I gain new experiences and insights on life. I feel that this is an important experience for me to have as it prepares me for work.

Studying aside, I believe that the most important thing in life is maintaining my health as it is the basis of my life. Thus, I also like to go running. At night, I usually go running to release all of the stresses that I have in life. Most nights, I go to the field and I run around it a few times. Because of this practice of running at night, when there was a race at school, I got first place out of all the girls in my school! But, the thing that still bugs me is that, nowadays, my long jump skills have deteriorated and now I can’t jump as far as I could before.

I can’t express how thankful I am through just words in this letter but, from the bottom of my heart, I’d like to wish you and your family all the best. I hope that your Christmas is fun and being filled with laughter. I understand that Christmas is a major holiday in America, just like Chinese New Year is a major holiday in China. Chinese New Year is not only a holiday, but marks the ending of a year and the beginning of a good year to come. This date brings us new hope for a better future.

Thank you so much for your help!

Best Regards,


* We told her a little bit about your family.