Sunday, December 19, 2010

Xiongping's Success Story ~ One of Our First Graduates

This is Xiongping and her family at their home in the Guangdong Province. Behind them is a wall covered with her academic achievement awards. Her family makes approximately $324 per year growing tangerines, but she was able to continue her education because of a Moving Mountains scholarship. She is an incredible girl who was consistently ranked first in her class. After meeting her, it was clear to us that Xiongping is special. She's articulate, confident and charming. We often joked that she was our pick for "most likely to succeed."

Many of you may remember Xiongping. After receiving her scholarship, she wrote a poem for her sponsors called "What If." (See below) It was so touching that we sent out copies of this poem with many of our thank you notes.

Recently, we learned that Xiongping not only passed the very challenging college entrance exams, she received a government scholarship and...

Xiongping has been accepted into law school!

We wish her all the best!

What If

Last night while laying on my bed
I was thinking
Some "what ifs" came to my mind

What if I didn't have their help
What if I dropped out of school
What if I left my parents
What should I do
I will become a migrant worker
Life will become bad
I will lose many good things
And my dream will never come true

But these things aren't true...
I am very lucky
Many people gave their help to me
Here I say thanks to them

What if our earth stopped moving
Didn't have sunshine
Didn't have oceans
Didn't have a moon
Didn't have stars

What if...what if...what if...

Even if all these things come true
I will still remember their help till the end of my life!